
Tips For Hosting a Party In a Museum

They might not be the likeliest party venue for many, but museums have a charm on their own when it comes to unique and lively celebrations. Hosting an event in a museum, for one, banks on its cultural value and can generate added prestige and excitement. There isn’t much dressing up of the venue needed to be done, as most museums are already striking and boast of beautiful architecture and interiors. Now, here are some tips when hosting a party in this venue.

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Be certain that it’s the right fit

Museums are very flexible when it comes to the type of events they can host, but still, plan if they’re the best location for the type of occasion. Corporate and nonprofit parties are great to be held there since they have the usual business amenities such as WiFi, function rooms, and theater. For the rest, it depends on the social celebration – children who love dinosaurs and anything science would love to spend their birthday party there.

Watch out for the cost

It’s not cheap to hold events in a museum, as one is likely to be hit with a rental fee, added fees for security and maintenance, and other expenses that aren’t typically paid for in other venues.


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Observe house rules

Food and beverage, for instance, may not be allowed in the galleries containing art pieces and collections. If this is the case, arrange for “drop tables” at gallery entrances for guests to deposit their glasses before they enter. Check the time of exhibits during site inspection, too.

Find the right party organizer

Hire an events planner who as an experience working in this type of venue and is flexible enough to go through the quirky rules and contracts.

David Gordon Fried is an events planner who resides in New York and enjoys the city’s famed museums and local sights when unwinding or looking for inspiration for his work. More articles like this here.